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  1. Brazilian Comic Artist (Art) together with his twin brother Fabio Moon
  2. Cartoonist -C'est la vie
  3. Comic Artist / Cartoonist - The Best & The Wittiest
  4. Comic book cover artist
  5. Comic Book Artist
  6. John Backderf  (2)
    Comic Artist
  7. Cartoonist, 'Broadside', 'Greenside'
  8. Comic Book Artist - Marvel - Spiderman
  9. Comic artist
  10. Kyle Baker  (2)
    An American cartoonist, comic book writer-artist, and animator known for his graphic novels and for a 2000s revival of the series Plastic Man
  11. Comic Artist / Cartoonist - Ollie and Quentin
  12. Fawcett comic book artist, Dark Shadows comic strip artist
  13. syndicated cartoonist of cornered
  14. Editoral Cartoonist, from France
  15. Cartoonist
  16. Cartoonist esp. for Disney
  17. Cartoonist, Disney Animation, twin brother of Disney Animator Tony Bancroft
  18. cartoonist - sixchix
  19. Comic book artist
  20. Comic book artist for X-men , black Adam and Spawn
  21. Creator of the comic series W.I.T.C.H. and Monster Allergy
  22. Comic Book Writer-Nexus,Star Wars:Thrawn Trilogy/X-Wing Rogue Squadron
  23. Cartoonist, 'Masked Capers', 'Mr. Magoo'
  24. Comic Artist (Star Wars)
  25. Animation layout artist
  26. cartoonist - erine pook's comeck
  27. cartoonist - flash gordon, the phantom
  28. Cartoonist, 'Niceday Pup', 'Frecklebelly Theater'
  29. Comic book artist
  30. Comic book artist
  31. Cartoonist
  32. Comic book artist, Witchblade, Grimm Fairy Tales, Hunter-Killer
  33. Syndicated Cartoonist - Adam at Home, Red & Rover
  34. Cartoonist, Crankshaft, Funky Winkerbean
  35. Cartoonist from Spain
  36. British cartoonist,the creator of Beano's Little Plum,Minnie the Minx,The Bash Street kids and The Three Little Bears
  37. Cartoonist
  38. Artist and co-creator of Trollords, one the most popular independent comics of the mid-80s
  39. Cartoonist, 'Hark! A Vagrant'
  40. Artist who has worked as a penciler and inker in the American comic book industry, where he is perhaps best known for his co-creation the female detective Ms. Tree and Wild Dog
  41. Comic book artist
  42. Beck  (3)
    German cartoonist
  43. Columnist - Contract Bridge
  44. Cartoonist - Animator - Author -> 'Animation: The Whole Story'
  45. Comic Strip Creator 'Sitting Ducks'
  46. Comics
  47. Comic Book Writer
  48. Author: PREPARE TO BOARD!, ANIMATED PERFORMANCE, animator/character designer: Walt Disney Productions, Warner Brothers Animation, many others
  49. Comics
  50. Comic Artist
  51. Artist/former body builder competitor, cartoonist for marvel x-men
  52. Syndicated Cartoonist of 'Between Friends'
  53. Timely comics artist
  54. Cartoonist: Freelance / Daily Racing Form,Areas Expertise: Political / Horse Racing - Cartooning / Murals
  55. American Cartoonist - 'Alley Oop'
  56. Cartoonist: Mr. Fixitt, Billy & Pop and the Sherlock Holmes Minute Mysteries
  57. syndicated cartoonist of alley oop
  58. An American comic book writer and artist. He has won critical acclaim, including five Eisner Awards for both his creator-owned work and his work on various Marvel Comics books
  59. Comic Book Artist
  60. Comic Artist (Star Wars)
  61. Joe Bennett  (3)
  62. Storyboard & Comic Book Artist
  63. Politcal cartoonist for the arizona republic, pulitzer prize winner
  64. cartoonist (herb & jamaal)
  65. Comics
  66. French cartoonist
  67. Works on Ninja Turtles Comic
  68. Comic Book Artist
  69. French Cartoonist - Mainly Aviation War Comics
  70. Batman Comic Book Artist
  71. Childrens' and YA author, and screenwriter
  72. cartoonist and creator of 'berry's world´'
  73. Comics
  74. Comic Book Writer & Artist
  75. Comics
  76. Author/Cartoonist
  77. Born: 08/12/1952 (Brugge) Belgian cartoonist
  78. Turkish cartoonist, illustrator and graphic designer
  79. Cartoonist
  80. Cartoonist: 'Curtis'
  81. Comics
  82. Cartoonist
  83. Comic book artist
  84. sports & editorial cartoonist
  85. US Comic Artist (horror genre) - Saga of the Swamp Thing (1983-87), Tyrant, Taboo
  86. syndicated cartoonist of geech
  87. Writer for CD Projeckt Red
  88. Cartoonist
  89. Comic Artist
  90. cartoonist (elf quest)
  91. Artist - comic books and sketch cards
  92. Disney Animator
  93. Cartoonist - Tiger
  94. Comics
  95. Cartoonist: Loose Parts & Biz
  96. Cartoonist; stars in his own show 'Cartooning With Blitz'
  97. Cartoonist and Author
  98. Comic Artist
  99. Animator - The Amazing Wold of Gumball
  100. Comics
  101. Cartoonist /comic artist superman, marvel
  102. Editorial cartoonist: BokBluster
  103. Comic Artist
  104. cartooniest (winnie winkle, heart of juliet jones)
  105. cartoonist (animal crakers catfish)
  106. Comic Artist - Zampano
  107. syndicated cartoonist of tom the dancing bug
  108. Cartoonist
  109. Comic Artist
  110. cartoonist
  111. Cartoonist- Little Dog Lost
  112. Artist & Comic Book Artist
  113. Cartoonist
  114. editorial cartoonist pulitzer 1991
  115. Belgium Male Comic Artist And Painter
  116. Comic Artist
  117. French writer
  118. Comic artist
  119. Designer
  120. Belgian cartoonist
  121. French Male Comic Artist. Author Of Several Noted Franco-Belgian Comics Album Series
  122. American cartoonist, Compu-Toon, KeyPad Kid
  123. Canadian Cartoonist - 'Chuckles Brothers' cartoon
  124. Cartoonist
  125. Canadian Male Artist - Comic book Illustrator
  126. Mangaka
  127. American Female Cartoonist - Comic Strip - 'Jane's World' (2003- ) 'Stinky Cecil' (2015- ), 'The Martian Confederacy' (2008 And 2011). Creative Director at Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates - Peanuts Children's Books.(1999- )
  128. sports cartoonist
  129. Rose Is Rose Cartoonist
  130. Editorial Cartoonist - NY Daily News
  131. Comic Artist / Cartoonist - The Best & The Wittiest
  132. Comic book artist
  133. American Female Cartoonist - Comic Strip - 'Where I'm Coming From'
  134. Born: 06/03/1937 (Humbeek) Died: 16/03/2001 (Schepdaal) Belgium Cartoonist
  135. Cartoonist marvel xmen
  136. Comic artist - Spirou et Fantasio
  137. Cartoonist - Bloom County, Outland, and Opus. Author.
  138. editoral cartoonist pul. prize 1998
  139. Editoral Cartoonist, San Diego Union-Tribune
  140. Cartoonist - most known for her 100% People: Gussie Grossman series
  141. The creator of indie comic book 'Cyber Girl L.E.E.T.A.' He began as a background inker on Superman for DC, then moved to animation, working on 'Courage the Cowardly Dog,' Jumanji,' 'Extreme Ghostbusters,' and 'Dragon Tales.'
  142. Comic Book Artist
  143. Best know for his work on Batman and Detective COMICS
  144. Comic Book Artist - Best known for Green Lantern
  145. English Male Author And Syndicated Cartoonist. Novel - 'I May Not Be Totally Perfect, but Parts of Me Are Excellent, and Other Brilliant Thoughts' (1979), 'I Have Abandoned My Search for Truth and Am Now Looking for a Good Fantasy' (1980). Plus Many More
  146. Cartoonist, Betweeny comic
  147. WETA artist - District 9, King Kong, Avatar, Narnia, Tintin
  148. Illustrator, cartoonist
  149. Pat Broderick  (2)
    American comic book artist known for his work on the Micronauts. Broderick also pencilled the four-part Batman: Year Three storyline, written by Marv Wolfman, which detailed the first meeting of Batman and Tim Drake
  150. Comic Book Artist
  151. Comic Artist / Cartoonist - The Best & The Wittiest, Shoe/pluggers
  152. syndicated cartoonist of tradin' paint
  153. Mark Brooks  (2)
    Comic book artist
  154. Cartoonist and author of the book 'Collecting the Collector', the baseball graphic novel 'Her curves were too much for them', Breygent Sketch Card Artist
  155. Comic book artist
  156. cartoonist
  157. cartoonist playboy, little old lady cartoons
  158. Jeffrey Brown  (4)
    Author/cartoonist, wrote "Darth Vader and Son."
  159. Cartoonist of Arthur on PBS
  160. Cartoonist of 'Hagar the Horrible'
  161. Comic Book Creator/Writer - God Hates Astronauts, Curse Words, Bedlam, The Manhattan Projects
  162. Author of Bad Kitty and Poor Puppy
  163. Video game writer
  164. Dutch author and artist, best known for Miffy children's stories
  165. Comic book artist, new yorker cover artist
  166. Comic book artist
  167. Comic Book Artist
  168. Comic book illustrator
  169. cartoonist (meatloaf nights)
  170. Comic Book Writer & Artist
  171. Tom Bunk is a lifetime award - winning cartoonist known for adding multiple extraneous details to his posters, cartoons, and illustrations created for both American and German publishers
  172. Comic Book Writer
  173. Comic Book Artist
  174. Cartoonist... Flaming Carrot
  175. celeb caricature artist
  176. American radio broadcaster and former comic book writer best known for co-creating the DC Comics character Nemesis with artist Dan Spiegle & for writing duties on The Warlord
  177. Columnist - Auto Album
  178. American Female Cartoonist - 'Frog Applause' And 'Shoecabbage'
  179. Comics
  180. Comic Book Writer (Astro City)
  181. cartoonist
  182. Author-Star Wars Tales #21
  183. Steve Butler   (4)
    Comic Book Artist
  184. German cartoonist
  185. Cartoonist from GermanyFamous for 'Baer'
  186. cartoonist - superman