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  1. Tetris World Champion
  2. Doctor who performed surgery on President Reagan after assassination attempt
  3. The subject of the Steven Spielberg film 'Catch Me If You Can' starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks
  4. President of the PLO, succeeded Yassir Arafat
  5. An American astrophysicist and astronomer; Secretary of the Smithsonian (1928-1944)
  6. Personal secretary to Lady Bird Johnson in 1963, Abell was at the Johnson Ranch preparing for the Kennedys' arrival when the assassination took place. Abell then served as the White House social secretary to Mrs. Johnson from 1963 to 1969
  7. Daughter of Reverend Ralph David Abernathy, actress in tv show Any Day Now,The Walking Dead
  8. JFK: Jail clerk who appeared with Lee Harvey Oswald in the 4:35 and 6:30 p.m. lineups on November 23, 1963
  9. JFK: Student at the teaching hospital for the UT Southwestern Medical School, was at Parkland Hospital on Nov. 22, 1963, saw Trauma Room, Jackie Kennedy and the presidential limousine outside up-close/at Jack Ruby's Club Saturday before assassination
  10. Theatre Director // Officer of the Order of Canada
  11. US Navy/Joined in Philippines/Served WW2, Korea & Vietnam/Served Merchant Marines the end of WW2/Philippine by birth
  12. Jesús 'Chuy' Aceves aka 'Chuy the Wolf Man', is a native of Mexico and was born with a rare condition known as hypertrichosis, in which causes uncontrollable hair growth that covers parts or entire sections of the bodies of those with the condition
  13. USO performer, WW2
  14. firefighter
  15. Chris Adams  (4)
    Author & retired United States Air Force officer/Distinguished Service Medal/Chief of Staff, Strategic Air Command 1983 accepted an appointment as Associate Director @Los Alamos National Laboratory/Brazos River Authority Board of Directors
  16. Former FBI agent, having evidence Lee Harvey Oswald did not assassinate president John F. Kennedy/assigned FBI office in Georgia on 11/22/1963 was responsible for investigating Joseph Milteer who he says is responsible for the assassination
  17. Consulted directly with Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy on Lafayette Square Historic District in Washington, D.C., supervised project for Robert Kennedy. Involved in planning, design & construction of President Kennedy's gravesite at Arlington Cemetery
  18. Henry Adams  (2)
    Great-grandson of Jameson Boyd-Adams, who was one of Sir Ernest Shackleton's crew on his expedition's. Lives in Snape, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK
  19. Korean War: One of the 'Non-Repatriated 23' who didn't return to the US after the end of the Korean War. Most ended up returning to the US; Born May 19th 1925
  20. Founder of Geshundheit Institute, portrayed by Robin Williams in movie of same name.
  21. Former U.S. Surgeon General
  22. Employee of the National Bank of Commerce in Dallas, Adams saw the JFK Kennedy motorcade near the corner of Main and Houston Streets and heard shots fired in Dealey Plaza. Recorded September 8, 2010
  23. Key leader in establishing The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza
  24. Adams had hoped to take her two children to Dallas Love Field to see the Kennedys depart Dallas, but after the assassination, she decided to go to Parkland Memorial Hospital. There she shot a few seconds of film with her home movie camera and was intervie
  25. Employee at TSBD at the time of President Kennedy's assassination and observed the motorcade from a 4th floor window
  26. Former head of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission involved in saving 3 whales from Alaskan ice back in 1988
  27. A U.S. antropologist; Secretary of the Smithsonian (1984-1994)
  28. Former Israeli Military General
  29. JFK - Head of the Blue Key Society of Southwestern Louisiana Institute at Lafayette (now ULL) who met and got photographed with future President Kennedy at the Crowley Rice Festival in 1959
  30. Employee of First National Bank of Dallas, Adler photographed a portion of the Kennedy motorcade & sold his film to Life magazine. Later, he served as the chief photographer at the Dallas Times Herald and managed its file of JFK negatives
  31. Youngest person to sail around the world
  32. American mechanical engineer most famous for having taken the only well-exposed color photograph of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945 at the Trinity nuclear test site in New Mexico. He is now 88
  33. American activist (1938-2009) in the Civil Rights Movement. Organizer of Students for Integration, a CORE Soul Force Member, a Freedom Rider, and one of the Americus Four who faced a death penalty for helping citizens legally vote
  34. Turkish criminal and assassin, Pope John Paul II assassination
  35. Scientist: Member of the Order of Canada
  36. An internationally renowned neuroscientist, he has made outstanding contributions to the medical field, particularly through his work in the regeneration of the nervous system. Member of the Order of Canada
  37. Fighter pilot that escorted Air Force One on September 11, 2001
  38. Iran Hostage Crisis Survivor (Fifty-two American diplomats and citizens were held hostage for 444 days (November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981) Vice consul
  39. Winner of nobel Peace prize 2019 and is prime minister of etiopia
  40. Muslim lady who gained fame following her being denied a Diet Coke by a United Airlines flight attendant
  41. JFK: interpreter for Kennedy. Wherever Russian language was necessary, Akalovsky was around, so he was in Vienna in 1961 for the meeting with Nikita Khrushchev, or whenever Andrei Gromyko visited the White House
  42. Former Assistant Special Watergate Prosecutor
  43. Akhmetshin has been reported to have ties to Russian intelligence agencies/Meet with Donald Trump July 2016 to offer information on Hillary Clinton's illegal activites in 2016 Presidential Election
  44. Dr Worked on JFK In Dallas Texas after he was shot. Born November 30, 1929
  45. Titanic Survivor (1911-1991). Sailed with his mother to join his father in America. Both survived and settled in Virginia
  46. Former Alcatraz guard who led the last prisoner off the island on March 21, 1963
  47. Economist.Born: 04/12/1914
  48. First President of the University of Virginia; President of University of North Carolina and Tulane University
  49. Lieutenant with Dallas Fire Dept. in 1963 , Jack inspected the Dallas Trade Mart prior to the Presidential Luncheon . Also inspected Jack Ruby's nightclubs
  50. American lawyer and paralytic polio survivor. He is the last person living in an iron lung after he contracted polio in 1952 at the age of six
  51. High paid call girl and aspiring singer, who had a tryst with former NY governor Eliot Spitzer, leading to his resignation; New York Post columnist,Playboy May 2010
  52. Created Club Kid scene in NY. Real life person film Party Monster was inspired by.
  53. Glenda Allen  (2)
    Donut Dolly Vietnam War/Served in Vietnam: 07/67 - 11/67 Cu Chi - 25th Inf. Div. Served in Vietnam: 11/67 - 03/68 Cam Rahn Bay - Army Served in Vietnam: 03/68 - 07/68 Lai Khe - 1st Inf. Div. (Returned to Viet Nam and Thailand with USO1971-73)
  54. A state trooper with the Texas Highway Patrol in 1963, Allen was assigned guard duty for Gov. John Connally during his recovery at Parkland Memorial Hospital
  55. Tallest Woman @ 7'7'
  56. William Allen  (2)
    UPI photographer , photographed Pres. Kennedy at Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on Nov.22. Also covered Jack Ruby trial
  57. William Allen  (3)
    News photographer for the Dallas Times Herald in 1963 , Allen was one of three photographers to take photos of the three ' tramps ' who were led by police away from railway car
  58. Construction worker who helped build the St Louis Arch in the mid-1960s
  59. Crew Member/USS Menhaden (SS-377) US Navy Balao-class submarine. Launched 1944, Operated out of Pearl Harbor until 1946 And then decommissioned & re-fitted as remotely controlled, unmanned acoustic test vehicle known as 'Yellow Submarine'
  60. One of the nine surviving Spanish Civil War Veterans Born:1919. Joined in 1936. In 2016, declared embassador by Valencia's Government during the October 9th Awards, aka Jose Alumudever Mateu
  61. Holocaust Survivor/Saw Josef Mengele performing medical experiments on prisoner forcing a dwarf, suffering from quadriplegia, to have sex with a Roma woman
  62. Ruth Collins Sharp Altshuler Philanthropist & member of the Southern Methodist University board of trustees, was waiting at the Trade Mart for JFK's arrival and then served on the grand jury that indicted Jack Ruby the following Monday
  63. Nicaraguan CIA informant provided information about Lee Harvey Oswald after the JFK assassination
  64. Co-editor of her high school newspaper in San Antonio in 1963. Briefly met President and Mrs. Kennedy, and attended a student press conference with the president, during the Kennedys' visit to San Antonio on November 21, 1963
  65. Former Canadian radio broadcast commentator and was the first lay President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St. Michael's College. Officer of the Order of Canada
  66. JFK - The only newsman to join the initial police search team on the sixth-floor of the Texas School Book Depository, November 22, 1963: he took that film that shows officers picking up and examining the rifle
  67. Pakistani mountain climber & engineer. First Pakistani to reach the summit of K2
  68. 1918 Spanish Flu survivor. Aged 105 and living in Spain, as of April 2020
  69. Grandson of President Grover Cleveland
  70. Former head of Mossad from 1963 - 1968
  71. Spy/Former Israeli military intelligence major who was convicted of espionage in 1987. Amit is thought to have spied for the United States and a European NATO country, though this has never been confirmed by the Israeli government
  72. Descendant of Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer of polar regions who led the first Antarctic expedition to reach the South Pole.Lives in Norway
  73. WW2 Iwo Jima Marine (23rd Marines, 4th Marine Division), age 94 in 2020
  74. Polish Senator and Secretary of State, born 1950. Daughter of WWII Polish Forces hero Gen. W?adys?aw Anders and his wife, the entertainer Irena Renata Anders,
  75. One of the 6 people rescued during Operation Canadian Caper, film Argo is based on their escape
  76. Graphic designer and architect. He is most well known as the designer of the recycling symbol, one of the most readily recognizable logos in the world
  77. WWII Ghost Army
  78. last american hostage released from lebanon
  79. Tom Anderson  (2)
    Co-Creator of Myspace
  80. Civil Rights activist and esteemed Osteopathist, born 1927. MLK Jr friend from school days. Led Albany Movement for voting rights in GA. Jailed with MLK, subbed for him on Meet the Press. On phone with Coretta when MLK killing announced
  81. Born 1910 went to school with Erroll Flynn appeared in the documentary about Erroll Flynn Tasmanian Devil
  82. Former Alcatraz Inmate on murder charges while in the Marines, born 1938. Paroled, then later sentenced to life for killing his wife. Released in 2020 with help from the Innocence Project when when hidden evidence pointed to another man as the killer
  83. Deepwater Horizon Explosion Survivor/Marine Biology Student, fishing under the rig at the time of the eruption
  84. President of Yale University
  85. American Poet,Singer,Actress and Director born 1928.Books->'The Black Family Pledge','Insomniac','Preacher Dont Send Me','Song for the Old Ones','Brave and Startling Truth','I Know Why Cage Bird Sings',Movie->'How to Make an American Quilt'
  86. US Supercentenarian, born 1908
  87. American mountaineer
  88. Canadian Lawyer who has helped the Canadian Government negotiate many international agreements. Member of the Order of Canada
  89. A Cleveland, Ohio labor official who saw John Hinckley Jr attempting the assassination of President Ronald Reagan, hit Hinckley in the head and began to wrestle him to the ground
  90. Niece of general Charles de Gaulle
  91. Related to Butch Cassidy
  92. Architect best known for being the designer of the World Trade Center Memorial in New York City
  93. Hungarian electrical engineer, 'Hide the Pain Harold' meme
  94. Former Model, Former Press Secretary to Queen Elizabeth II, Now Royal correspondent on CBS News
  95. Dallas Police Department auto-theft detective assigned to the Trade Mart for President Kennedy's luncheon, Archer later witnessed the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald and extensively interviewed Jack Ruby that afternoon. He ultimately informed Ruby that he w
  96. Canadian suffragist and writer who led the Maritime Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and the National Council of Women of Canada and the Local Council of Women of Halifax. For her many forms of social activism, she was referred to as the 'Lady of
  97. Political activist, Brown Berets during Chicano Movement influential in development of Chicana feminist/1st female Prime Minister of Brown Berets, worked to include Chicana perspective in fighting for Mexican rights in LA in 60s & 70s
  98. Survivor of the Buchenwald concentration camp during WW 2. In famous Buchaewald photo
  99. Spanish Civil War Veteran. (Falange) Later fought for Germany in WW2. Born: 1920
  100. Survivor of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
  101. Active civil rights demonstrations & voter registration drives. Worked with activist Medgar Evers & participated in the 1961 Freedom Rides. Author of Autobiography of a Freedom Rider: My Life as a Foot Soldier for Civil Rights (2011)
  102. A co-worker of Lee Harvey Oswald at the TSBD , she saw Oswald shortly before the shooting of President Kennedy
  103. Gordon Arnold  (2)
    Admitted eyewitness to assassination, Arnold did not come forward until 1978. Reportedly standing on the grassy knoll and fell to the ground when shots were fired/Claimed to have encountered a man wearing a Dallas police officer uniform
  104. One of New Zealand's oldest people (Born: 1916) and a survivor of the '1918 flu pandemic' a.k.a Spanish Flu. She is now 100 and lives in Whanganui, a city on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand
  105. Born: (1924 is a Holocaust survivor and artist, primarily known for his portraits and landscapes.
  106. Captain of the boat 'Exodus'
  107. Maricopa County Sheriff (1992-2017) Known As America's Toughest Sheriff
  108. Chairman of the British Library
  109. JFK - Witness to the famous Parking Lot Speech in Fort Worth by President Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, pictured in a well-known photograph by Gene Gordon
  110. Titanic Survivor
  111. British colonial officer, later associate of Ugandian president Milton Obote and Idi Amin Dada, is now living in Wimbledon, London
  112. Former colonial officer and associate of presidents Obote and Amin in Uganda in the the 1960s and 70s. Born 1924. He currently lives in Wimbledon, London. His nickname is: 'The White Rat'
  113. British POW that worked on the Bridge over the River Kwai - 'The Death Railway'
  114. Student in '63 , he worked as an usher at Texas Theatre
  115. Thomas Atkins  (2)
    Assigned by the U.S. Navy as the White House Cinematographer from 1963 to 1969, Atkins extensively filmed President's Kennedy's trip to Texas. His recognizable color footage was edited into the documentary film, 'The Last Two Days.'
  116. Dallas schoolgirl, Atkinson shook hands with President & Mrs. Kennedy at Love Field & later waited outside Parkland Memorial Hospital for news of JFK's condition/Photograph of Atkinson in tearful prayer was distributed internationally Press
  117. Antiques Expert; Appraiser on Antiques Roadshow; Specializes in ceramics; Has written over 30 books and is famous for his travel writing
  118. Flight (scientist) us weather office pathfinder 'mission'
  119. Freddie Mercury ex-girlfriend
  120. Former soldier and wartime PoW who claimed, controversially, to have broken into Auschwitz
  121. A drummer at Jack Ruby's Vegas Club in Dallas in 1963
  122. Witness to JFK Assassination and Oswald's Assassination - Was also in Texas Theatre when Oswald was captured - Newsweek Reporter
  123. Plane Steward on Air Force One on President Kennedy's trip to Texas in 1963
  124. 20 years in prison after being wrongfully convicted of assassination of Malcolm X, a force in Black Nationalist Movement & spokesperson of Nation of Islam, killed in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom on 2/21/1965, during speaking engagement